
Sewage Smell in House: Causes and Solutions

Do you smell a foul odour coming from your house that you can’t seem to get rid of? If so, it could be a sewage smell. This unpleasant smell can be caused by a variety of factors, including blocked drain lines, missing clean-out caps or plugs, and incorrectly installed or faulty internal soil vent pipes.

If left untreated, the smell can become stronger and more unpleasant over time.

One of the most common causes of sewage smells in the home is a blocked drain line. This can occur when debris, such as hair, food, or grease, accumulates in the drain and prevents water from flowing freely. As a result, sewage gases can build up and escape into your home, causing a foul odour.

If you suspect that your drain line is blocked, it’s important to address the issue as soon as possible to prevent further damage.

Another cause of sewage smells in the home is missing clean-out caps or plugs. These are designed to prevent sewage gases from escaping into your home, but they can become dislodged or removed over time. If this happens, you may notice a strong smell coming from your drains or toilets.

To fix the problem, you’ll need to replace the missing cap or plug and ensure that it is properly secured.

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    Identifying the Source of Sewage Smell

    If you have noticed an unpleasant sewage smell in your house, it is important to identify the source of the problem as soon as possible. Here are some common causes of sewage smell in your home and ways to identify them.

    Drainage Issues

    One of the most common causes of sewage smell in your house is drainage issues. A dry P-trap, which is designed to block sewer gases from rising into your home, can be the reason for the smell. If the water in the P-trap evaporates, such as in a rarely used sink or drain, the barrier against these odors is no longer present. To fix this issue, run water down the drain to restore the trap.

    Another cause of drainage issues is blocked pipes or clogs. If you notice slow drainage or gurgling sounds coming from your pipes, there may be a blockage in your plumbing system. In this case, you should call a professional plumber to clear the blockage and prevent further damage to your plumbing system.

    Ventilation Problems

    Ventilation problems are another common cause of sewage smell in your house. Vent pipes help regulate air pressure in your plumbing system and allow sewer gases to escape outside your home. If a vent pipe becomes blocked by debris, such as leaves or bird nests, sewer gases may be forced back into your home, causing a sewage smell.

    Inspect the vent pipes on your roof for any visible blockages, and call a professional if you find any.

    Another potential cause of ventilation problems is a damaged or improperly installed vent pipe. If the vent pipe is not installed at the correct angle, it may not be able to properly vent sewer gases. In this case, you should call a professional plumber to inspect and repair the vent pipe to prevent further damage to your plumbing system.

    sewage smell in house

    Health Risks of Sewage Odours

    If you have a sewage smell in your house, it is not just unpleasant, but it can also pose health risks. Sewage odours often indicate a problem in the plumbing or sewage system, and they should not be ignored.

    Biological Contaminants

    Sewage contains a variety of biological contaminants that can be harmful to your health. Exposure to these contaminants can cause various health problems, such as skin infections, gastrointestinal problems, and respiratory issues. Some of the common biological contaminants found in sewage include:

    • Bacteria: Sewage contains a variety of bacteria, including E. coli, salmonella, and shigella, which can cause diarrhoea, vomiting, and fever.
    • Viruses: Sewage can also contain viruses, such as hepatitis A, which can cause liver damage and jaundice.
    • Parasites: Sewage can contain parasites like giardia and cryptosporidium, which can cause gastrointestinal problems like diarrhoea, stomach cramps, and dehydration.

    Chemical Hazards

    Sewage also contains a variety of chemical hazards that can be harmful to your health. Exposure to these chemicals can cause various health problems, such as skin irritation, respiratory issues, and neurological problems. Some of the common chemical hazards found in sewage include:

    • Hydrogen sulfide: Sewage contains hydrogen sulfide, which can cause headaches, dizziness, and nausea.
    • Methane: Sewage can also contain methane, which is a flammable gas that can cause explosions.
    • Ammonia: Sewage can contain ammonia, which can cause respiratory problems and eye irritation.

    DIY Solutions for Sewage Smell

    If you are experiencing a sewage smell in your house, there are some DIY solutions that you can try before calling a professional. These solutions are easy to implement and may help to eliminate the problem quickly and at little or no cost.

    Natural Remedies

    One natural remedy to try is pouring a mixture of baking soda and vinegar down the drain. This can help to break down any organic matter that may be causing the smell. Simply mix equal parts of baking soda and vinegar, pour it down the drain, and let it sit for a few minutes before flushing with hot water.

    Another natural remedy to try is using activated charcoal. Activated charcoal is known for its ability to absorb odours and can be used to eliminate the smell of sewage in your house. Simply place a few pieces of activated charcoal in a bowl and leave it in the affected area for a few days.

    Chemical Treatments

    If natural remedies do not work, you can try using chemical treatments to eliminate the sewage smell.

    One chemical treatment to try is using a drain cleaner. There are many drain cleaners available on the market that can help to break down any organic matter that may be causing the smell. Be sure to follow the instructions carefully and use gloves to protect your skin.

    Another chemical treatment to try is using a sewer gas odor eliminator. These products are specifically designed to eliminate the smell of sewage in your house and can be found at your local hardware store. Be sure to follow the instructions carefully and use gloves to protect your skin.

    Professional Remediation of Sewage Odour

    If you have tried all the DIY methods to get rid of the sewage smell in your house, but the problem still persists, it’s time to call in the professionals. A professional plumbing service can help diagnose the problem and provide a solution that will eliminate the odour for good.

    Plumbing Services

    Jonny’s Drains is a reliable plumbing service that can help you get rid of the sewage smell in your house. Their team of experienced plumbers can identify the source of the problem and provide a comprehensive solution to eliminate the odour.

    One common cause of sewage odour in the house is a clogged drain or sewer line. Jonny’s Drains can use advanced tools and techniques to clear the blockage and prevent the odour from returning. They can also repair any damaged pipes or fittings that may be contributing to the problem.

    Environmental Health Services

    If the sewage smell in your house is caused by a more serious issue, such as a sewage backup or contamination, you may need to call in an environmental health service.

    These services can provide a more thorough assessment of the problem and recommend a course of action to eliminate the odour and ensure that your home is safe to inhabit.

    Environmental health services can also provide testing and analysis to determine the extent of the contamination and identify any potential health risks. They can then develop a remediation plan to eliminate the problem and restore your home to a safe and healthy condition.

    Preventative Measures for Sewage Smell

    Sewage smell in your house can be a nuisance and a health hazard. Fortunately, there are several preventative measures you can take to keep your home smelling fresh and clean.

    Regular Maintenance

    Regular maintenance is key to preventing sewage smell in your house. Here are some tips to keep your plumbing system in good working order:

    • Have your septic system inspected and pumped every 3-5 years, depending on usage.
    • Fix any leaks or drips as soon as you notice them.
    • Avoid pouring grease or oil down the drain.
    • Use a drain strainer to catch hair, food scraps, and other debris.
    • Only flush toilet paper and human waste down the toilet.

    Design Considerations

    If you’re building a new home or renovating your existing one, there are several design considerations you can make to prevent sewage smell:

    • Install a backwater valve to prevent sewage backup.
    • Make sure your plumbing system is properly vented.
    • Install a sump pump to prevent basement flooding.
    • Use water-saving fixtures to reduce the amount of water going down the drain.
    • Consider installing a greywater system to reuse water from your shower, bath, and washing machine.


    Frequently Asked Questions

    What steps should you take if there’s a persistent odour of sewage within your home?

    If you notice a persistent sewage-like odour in your home, it’s essential to take action. The first step is to locate the source of the odour. Check all drains, including sinks, bathtubs, and toilets. If you have a septic system, check the tank and drain field. If you can’t find the source of the odour, it’s best to call a professional plumber to investigate further.

    Is it a health risk to have a sewage-like odour in your living space?

    Sewage odours in your home are not only unpleasant but can also be a health risk. The smell of sewage is an indication that there is a problem with your plumbing system, and it’s essential to address it promptly. Exposure to sewage gases can cause respiratory problems, headaches, and other health issues.

    Why does the smell of sewage in my house appear intermittently?

    If you notice that the smell of sewage in your home appears intermittently, it could be due to a dry drain. When a drain isn’t used frequently, the water in the trap can evaporate, allowing sewer gases to enter your home. Running water down the drain can help refill the trap and eliminate the odour.

    How can you effectively eliminate the unpleasant drain odours in your residence?

    To eliminate unpleasant drain odours, you can try pouring boiling water down the drain to clear any blockages.

    You can also use baking soda and vinegar to create a natural cleaning solution.

    If the odour persists, you can try using a commercial drain cleaner or calling a professional plumber to investigate the problem further.

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    Need a drain unblocking? No problem!

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